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Animal Rights Institute

Access to historic American animal welfare organization added to PMWL in Solving Global Problems section

22 January 2019 – Washington, DC, USA – Access to a new resource has been added to the PM World Library related to animal protection and rescue.  The resource is called “Animal Welfare Institute (AWI)” and is a USA-based animal rights and rescue organization founded in 1951.

Since its founding AWI has sought to alleviate the suffering inflicted on animals by people. In the organization's early years, their emphasis was on the desperate needs of animals used for experimentation. In the decades that followed, they expanded the scope of our work to address many other areas of animal suffering. Today, one of their greatest areas of emphasis is cruel animal factories, which raise and slaughter pigs, cows, chickens and other animals.

AWI works to minimize the impacts of all human actions detrimental to endangered species, including the destruction of natural forests containing ancient trees, and pollution of the oceans destroying every kind of marine life. While AWI’s mission is to alleviate suffering of nonhuman animals, the principle followed by AWI of compassion and nonviolence applies to human animals as well as nonhuman animals. The Animal Welfare Institute condemns violence directed against all living creatures.

To access this resource, go to, click on “Animal Rights – All Animals”, then scroll down and click on the resource title. Free access to all but please consider registering.

