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Sustainability of Rural Development Projects

Best Practices and Lessons Learned by IFAD in Asia - India Case Study

26 January 2016 – Mumbai, India – A new resource has been added to the PM World Library related to projects and project management in industries serving basic human needs. The new resource is a report produced by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) titled "Sustainability of Rural Development Projects. Best Practices and Lessons Learned By IFAD In Asia".

160125 - Kaushik - IFAD logoThis study was conducted by TANGO International, with support of IFAD staff in Rome, Delhi, Shillong and Tura, and collaboration of many community and institutional representatives to review and evaluate the IFAD's efforts and project successes or failures in North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Project for Upland Areas ((NERCORMP) of India (villages in Assam, Meghalaya and Manipur States).

This case study forms part of a larger effort, undertaken by the Asia and the Pacific Division of IFAD, to improve the sustainability of its programming. This study, along with others from IFAD-supported projects throughout Asia, will inform the development of user-friendly guidelines to be used by IFAD and its partners to systematically enhance the sustainability of IFAD’s investments in the region.

This report offers an analysis of sustainability from the point of view of a range of stakeholders, considers the quality and adequacy of IFAD efforts in seeking and achieving sustainability, and offers a set of conclusions and recommendations that may help to inform future initiatives in NERCORMP region. More precisely, the study: a) collected and documented the views of the various projects’ stakeholders on what sustainability means for them; b) documented the experience and performance of the project in ensuring sustainability of project benefits beyond project implementation; c) helped IFAD better understand how project designs, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems, supervisions and overall implementation relates to the issue of sustainability; and d) generated lessons learned on the specific approaches that have greater chances to lead to sustainability.

This study, set in an Indian context, offers a perspective highlighting the inherent subjectivity even in common terms like 'sustainability' among various stakeholders, and subsequent implications of these differences on project successes or failures.

To access this new resource, go to, scroll down to “Industries serving basic human needs”, click on “Agriculture”. Must be a logged in library member to access.

Posted by: Alok Kaushik


