Mónica González
Mendoza, Argentina

Mónica González is an Industrial Engineer, Master in Business Administration and has two International Certifications, Project Management Professional (PMP®) of the Project Management Institute and Green Project Manager (GPM®) of the Green Project Management Organization. She has over 25 years of experience in Electrical Companies, in both public and private sectors, specifically in Electric Power Transmission in High and Medium Voltage.
In the past 14 years, she has worked as a Project Manager, involved with developing, establishing, implementation and maintenance of Organizational (and Integrated) Management Systems according to the International Management Standards, like ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems - Requirements), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems -- Requirements), ISO 26000 (Guidance on Social Responsibility), OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Standard) and the Argentinean Resolution ENRE 057/2003 Public Safety for Electric Power Transmission in High and Medium Voltage. From 2002 to 2004, she was part of Communication Committee and Environmental and Sustainable Development Committee of Electricité de France (EDF) Branch America along with colleagues from France, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.
As PMI member Monica is a founder of the PMI Nuevo Cuyo Argentina Chapter, as a volunteer (2008-2013), she has served as Marketing and Communications leader, issuing a monthly newsletter among others. In addition to integrate the PMI Global Sustainability Community of Practice Council (May´2010-Dec´2012) and support PMI Educational Foundation as a Liaison in Nuevo Cuyo Chapter (2011-2013), she serves as a committee member for the PC/ISO 236 Project Committee: Project Management; and for the ISO/TC 258 – Technical Committee: Project, Program, Portfolio Management.
From October 2012, Mónica is a member of the Green Project Management Executive Consortium. Currently, she is a Director, Program Operations (Latin America) – GPM Global and Vice Chair, GPMG Accreditation Board. Monica can be contacted at monica.gonzalez@greenprojectmanagement.org
Articles and Papers
- Sustainable Project Principles help with creating a bully-free workplace - Commentaries - González - May 2016
- THE LEGACY: PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR PEACE - Featured Papers - González - March 2016
- Green Project Management – A Case Study in Sustainability – Management of Chemical Containers for Social Good: Child Health and Nutrition - Featured Papers - González - July 2014
- Advancing Human Rights in Supply Chains through Community Engagement and Investment - Featured Papers - González - March 2014
- Why Become a Certified Green Project Manager® - Commentaries - González - March 2013
- Aligning Projects to the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative: Monitoring the Impact of Project Processes and Products on People, the Planet, and Profitability - Advisory Articles - Carboni, González - August 2013