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How to make sure agile teams work together

Access to new resource related to agility and team collaboration added to PMWL




Resource provided by Victor Dantas

4 November 2021 – São Paulo, Brazil – Access to a new resource has been added to the PM World Library (PMWL) related to agile project management. The new resource is an article titled “How to Make Sure Agile Teams Can Work Together”, by Alia Crocker, Rob Cross and Heidi K. Gardner. It was published on the Harvard Business Review website in mid-2018.

This article centers on the idea that organizations often spend a lot of energy in formal structures of management, such as org charts and enhanced technology, but fail completely to promote internal collaboration, when it comes to agile project management. To conduct the research and bring scientific rigor to the findings, the authors surveyed global organizations, with more than 30k employees having completed these surveys.

The main findings were that: first, manage the network’s center. For “network” the authors mean a group of collaboration assigned to drive a critical organizational change or respond to a strategic threat – therefore a project. Second, pay great attention to the network’s fringe players, as they can offer valuable ideas and capabilities to the project. Third, pick specific silos to make good connections between them as this yields benefits of scale (for instance, set up “communities of practice”). Finally, keep close eye on the external boundaries of the project because by doing so, the organization can access knowledge from different points of view: competitors, customers, regulators, and expertise communities or associations.

To access this new resource, go to the Basic P/PM Topics section of the library at, click on “Agile Project Management”, scroll down to resource. Must be a registered member and logged-in to access. If not a member, consider the FREE Trial Membership.

This new resource provided through the PMWL university research internship program; to learn more, click here
