Access to PMI's Academic Network website added to the PM World Library
22 November 2024 - Dallas, TX and Philadelphia, PA, USA. - Access to a major network of project management academic researchers has been added to the PM World Library (PMWL). The newly available resource is the PMI Academic Network, established in Academic Programs directorate at the Project Management Institute (PMI) to provide information and resources for graduate and post graduate academic researchers, faculty members and university administrators around the world.
According to PMI, the Academic Network is a community of researchers, full-time, part-time or adjunct faculty as well as program directors and academic administrators who teach, develop or manage project management programs or courses. The network is also open to faculty from schools that are interested in developing project management courses. There’s no cost to register. Our purpose is to help you expand project management knowledge and offerings.
Participants gain access to the following: New academic initiatives; Academic events and announcements; Calls for Papers; Calls for Research Proposals; Calls for Volunteers; Project management industry trends; New academic research related to project management; New and updated standards and guidelines for accreditation; and more.
Find this new resource in the PPM Research Resources section of the library at, scroll down and click on Research Networks, scroll down to the resource. Registration is required. If not already registered, please consider the 30-Day FREE Trial at
When registering, note that teachers and professors of project management get free unlimited access to the PMWL, while students can get two years of free membership. For more, go to