Alicia Maud Andreani
Lille, France
Alicia Maud Andreani is a 23 years old PGE student from SKEMA Business School, currently enrolled in Msc Project and Program Management and Business Develpment in Lille, France. This specialization brings her strong knowledge in methodology, planning and management of stakeholders.
She graduated from Nice Sophia-Antipolis University where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics with honours, before joining SKEMA. She spent a six-months exchange semester in Raleigh, North Carolina (USA), which, along with her professional experiences in different sectors, allowed her to develop her adaptability to different environments. She is currently looking for a six-month internship as business developer and would also like to experience business consulting.
She speaks French and English and is learning Chinese. She is certified in both PRINCE2 and AgilePM Foundation.
Alicia can be contacted at or via her LinkedIn profile at
Profile created 7 July 2019