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P/PM Journals and Magazines

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There are now many publications around the world that include content related to program and project management. This section of the PM World Library is intended to provide access to as many of those publications as possible. PM World does not endorse any of these publications; we do, however, recognize their contributions to the World of Program and Project Management (P/PM).

Because project, program and portfolio management require some general management and operational business knowledge, including accounting, finance, leadership, personnel, procurement and strategic planning (among others), we also offer access to selected business and management publications.  Access to more industrial and trade publications will be added in the future.

Free Access (click for information)

PMW-Journal-Logo1 150x66PM World Journal - current edition - The PMWJ, a global resource for sharing knowledge related to Program and Project Management.  Produced monthly by PM World, the PMWJ contains articles, papers, reports, stories and other original works related to projects and project management around the world.

PM World Journal Archives
Access to all contents of all PMWJ editions since August 2012. The PM World Journal is registered with the US Library of Congress (ISSN 2330-4480) and is included in the EBSCO Business Source Corporate Plus database.

Other Resources
A few other publications that may be of interest to readers, researchers and students.  More to be added soon.


Professional Member Access (click for information)

PM Journals & Magazines - Open Source
Access to various open source project management-related publications around the world, including Construction Manager (UK), Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management (Korea), Project Management Review (China), Projects Monitor (India), Project Management Times (Canada) and The Project Manager (South Africa).

PM Journals & Magazines - Subscription Based
Access to subscription-based project management publications around the world.

PM Publications from Professional Organizations
Journals, magazines and newsletters from various project management professional associations, branches, chapters, societies and other bodies.  Here are a few, with more to be added.

PM Newsletters - Commercial & Industrial Organizations
Newsletters from various commercial project management consulting, training and services organizations around the world.  More to be added.  If your organization publishes a newsletter, please contact info@pmworldlibrary.net.

PM Newsletters - Government & Public Organizations
Coming soon: newsletters from public organizations related to program/project management.  If you know of one, please let us know.

Other Publications of Potential Interest to PM Practitioners
Access to Baseline Magazine, Defense AT&L Magazine and Defense Acquisition Research Journal, all published in the USA.  More to be added soon.


Academic Journals
Access to academic journals on management and related topics from around the world, including Academy of Management Journal, Australian Journal of Management, British Journal of Management & Economics, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, International Journal of Project Management, Journal of African Business, Project Management Journal and many others.   To access academic journals, click here.

Business and Management Magazines
Access to some of the leading business and management magazines in the world, published in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia, including African Business, Business Week, Canadian Manager, China Business Review, Fast Company, Forbes, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, India Business Journal, McKinsey Quarterly, New Zealand Management, PM Network and many others.   As strategic planning, leadership and context have emerged as important aspects of program/project management, more knowledge in general management and business is becoming more relevant.  To access business and management magazines, click here.

Industry-Specific Magazines
Access to some of the leading magazines and trade publications for project-based industries published in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia, including Architectural Record, Australian Mining, Canadian Consulting Engineer, Chemical Week, Construction Europe, Engineering News Record and others. Industry-specific knowledge and information is critical for many project managers and project teams.  Access to these sources is therefore being provided as a useful resource for program and project management.    To access industry-specific magazines, click here.

Popular Magazines
Healthy work-life balance means some time diverted from project work.  Maybe access to some of these publications will help.  Examples include: Australian Geographic, Computerworld, New African, Money, Newsweek, Popular Science, Smithsonian, Wired and many others. To access, click here.


