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P/PM Marketplace

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There are many program and project management (PPM) products and services on offer around the world now, including software tools and systems, specialized services, and turnkey program and project management.  This section of the PM World Library (PMWL) provides a place where P/PM products and services and their suppliers can be briefly described and accessed.

Free Access (click for information)

PPM Advisors, Consultants, Contractors 1
 – Consumer Products, B2B, ICT, Services, Software and Technology Industries

PPM Advisors, Consultants, Contractors 2 – Architecture, Building, Construction, Engineering, Heavy Industries, Power

PPM Advisors, Consultants, Contractors 3 Aerospace, Defense, Government, Security, Space Technologies 

PPM Advisors, Consultants, Contractors 4 - Basic Industries (Agriculture, Food Production, Education, Healthcare, etc.)

PPM Advisors, Consultants, Contractors 5 - Global Programs, International Development Consultants

PPM Courses & Training Providers
 - Commercial providers of courses and workshops, including certification preparation courses

PPM Software, Tools & Technology Solutions - Various PPM software and systems solutions

Career and Knowledge Technologies & Resources

Professional Member Access (click for information)

PPM Jobs and Recruitment

Useful Papers, Reports and Studies


To recommend a product or service provider, contact help@pmworldlibrary.net
