Baptiste Lestienne
Lille, France

Baptiste Lestienne is 22 years old French student. Currently in 5th years of ITEEM Centrale Lille Master speciality industry and entrepreneurship option Logistics. He is pursuing in parallel Master of Science degree in Project and Programme Management and Business Development at Skema Business School, Lille Campus.
His schools provide him a complete dual competence in engineering and commerce and made him completely able to work into complex project. He is certified AgilePm, Prince2 and passed the TOEIC (840).
He has integrated Decathlon Philippines for his 8 months internships. He laid the supply chain and logistic foundation with the initial decathlon team to open the very first Decathlon in Philippines. His tutor and him were handling the logistic and supply chain part of the opening: finance, custom, products, transport warehousing, deliveries, supply chain, recruitment and management.
He is highly interested and passionate about new technologies in particularity about blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency: How the financial world is changing and will change. Blockchain is one of the key technologies which will change the next decade.
Through many projects in different fields, he developed a strong experience in project management and business development. He is optimist, engaged and hard-working. He is a great team member but is also able to manage a long-term project and demonstrate leadership.
Baptiste lives in Lille, France and can be contacted at
You can have further information about his experience on her LinkedIn profile:
Profile created 11 November 2019