Dhrubajyoti (Dhruv) Lahon
Bangalore, India

Dhrubajyoti (Dhruv) Lahon is currently with Philips India Ltd. in Bangalore, India as a Senior Project Manager in the Healthcare domain. The two main responsibilities in his current role are – group management involving people management aspect and also managing the delivery from the group.
He is an engineering graduate in Computer Science & Engineering. Dhruv has been working in the Software industry for last 16 years, also with experience working in different domains like building automation system, retail inventory management and healthcare. He was previously associated with Honeywell, Tyco International and ABB.
Dhruv’s deepest interest is in the areas of Project and Organizational Management, and the various human factors that influence the success of a project or an organization.
He can be contacted at lahond@gmail.com
(August 2016)