Dirk Huck
San Antonio, TX, USA

MBA, – Master of Business Administration, Averett College
B.A. – Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science, Indiana University at Bloomington
A.A.S – Associate in Applied Science, Data Processing, Community College of the Air Force
Dirk Huck, PMP, MBA retired from the USAF in 2003 with over 23 years of active duty in the Security and Communications career fields. He obtained his PMP in 2005 and has over twenty-five years of project management experience in the communications and IT field supporting a wide range of programs. While assigned to the Warrior Preparation Center in Europe he managed 25 civilian, contractor and military personnel as chief of the computer operations center supporting NATO, US, and Allied computer wargaming throughout the European Theater of Operations.
During an assignment to the Pentagon he was part of an engineering team to develop a solution for the Secretary of the Army to protect the Pentagon’s network from international hacking attempts. His assignment to the Defense Information Systems Agency allowed him to plan and implement a multi-million dollar project improving the capability of the Defense Switched Network that ensured its survivability during 9/11. Since retiring from the Air Force, he primarily managed projects related to the Defense Health Agency where he managed the implementation of a worldwide community of interest network allowing access to all military and dependent electronic health records by military treatment personnel. The current program he is involved with is assisting the engineering effort to migrate all medical treatment facilities from the services networks to a joint network hosted and maintained by the Defense Health Agency.
Dirk is an adjunct professor with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Worldwide Campus. He has taught an Introduction to Project Management course using an interactive online solution to both classrooms and individuals.
Created 8 July 2018