Pete Harpum

Dr Pete Harpum’s research has been in several related areas, both as an academic and as a management consultant. In academe his doctoral research included managing design in aero-engine R&D environments. Other academic research includes the project manager’s role in managing technical aspects of projects, and managing fuzzy front-end project work in life science companies. Pete has led academically rigorous consulting research on practitioners’ perspectives of best practice project management in drug companies.
Pete’s vision is built on several strands of thinking: Firstly that project management is the fundamental approach applied in many industries to New Product Development. Secondly, that factors leading to project success have consistently been shown by the research to be related overwhelmingly to behavioural aspects and the context in which projects are carried out. Thirdly, project management can be applied holistically, and should encompass the front-end work of projects to translate corporate/R&D strategy into project strategy, business case definition, and negotiation and agreement of realistic project goals.
Pete is Affiliate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management, teaching on the Advanced Master’s Degree in Biotechnology Management. He also carries out post-graduate lecturing and research on P3M for The University of Manchester, ChalmersBusinessSchool, and ManchesterBusinessSchool. He has edited for Wiley the book Portfolio, Program, and Project Management in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries, published in 2009 (ISBN: 978-0-470-04966-2). He has also published on design management, project methodologies, capacity management, management control, project success factors, and best practice in life science project management.