Dr. Roché Steyn
Durban, South Africa

Dr Roché Steyn is a medicolegal specialist (in malpractice prevention and resolution) with Multiplin LLP and an interdisciplinary lecturer at Cranefield College. He has published and lectured in law, medicine, psychology and management, on both intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary levels, particularly in the following areas: malpractice prevention and liability in medicine and psychology (informed by management science); project and program management applied in multidisciplinary contexts; multinational criminal and delictual/tortious liability; legal (forensic) psychology and business psychology; and evidence-based integrative and preventive medicine (again, informed by management science and medicolegal analysis).
Dr Steyn holds the qualifications BLC, LLB, HonsBA(Psych), LLM(Med), AdvDip(PM), and LLD. His undergraduate studies combined law and psychology (in the primarily legal BLC degree, with additional courses in psychology and criminology), followed by the simultaneous completion of the LLB degree and Honours degree in psychology (having been granted special permission to complete these degrees simultaneously). He then went on to combine studies in medical law (focusing on malpractice liability in clinical psychology and psychiatry) and management, completing the LLM with specialisation in Medical Law and the Advanced Diploma in Project Management concurrently. He was awarded the Carmen Nathan Grant of the Unit for Medicine and Law to conduct medicolegal research in the United States for the purpose of his LLM(Med). The simultaneous completion of the LLM(Med) and the AdvDip(PM) allowed him also to incorporate selected principles of management into his LLM dissertation. He achieved distinctions in each of the requirements for the LLM and obtained both the AdvDip(PM) and the LLM(Med) cum laude.
By the time of completing the above qualifications, he had started developing a multidisciplinary consultancy in collaboration with partners who also had interdisciplinary qualifications, named Multiplin. Part of Multiplin’s mission was to create courses for professionals in furthering the cause of integrative multidisciplinary development. On the basis of his performance in his LLM(Med), he was selected to receive the H Bradlow Scholarship to support him in his doctoral work on the interactions of law, medicine, psychology and management, with Professor SA Strauss SC as his promoter (at the University of South Africa). Being based in England at the time, he also started teaching part-time at Leicester University (where he taught medical law, tort law and criminal law) and Multiplin LLP was incorporated in England and Wales to further the purpose of promoting integrative multidisciplinary development through consulting and education.
Following successful completion of his doctorate degree (LLD), he was appointed as a Principal Lecturer at Cranefield College, where he then led the successful implementation of Multiplin-developed courses through distance learning, which mode of delivery he initiated at the College. He subsequently assisted the College in the accreditation of its PhD in Commerce and Administration through distance learning, and provided strategic and legal advice in converting the College from a mixed-mode institution (with students needing to attend selected onsite classes) to a full distance-mode institution (with all programs being susceptible of completion through online classes from anywhere in the world).
In his writing, teaching and practice, he steadfastly advocates the need for partnership and integration between disciplines (particularly in his specialised areas of medicine and law, and relevant areas of psychology and management) and also holistic perspective and integration within disciplines (as is indeed imperative for the different areas within medicine, management, psychology and law).
Profile created 11 May 2022