Susan David
Massachusetts, USA

Dr Susan A. David is a leading expert on leadership development, people strategy, employee engagement, and emotional intelligence. She is a founder and co-director of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital of Harvard Medical School and an Instructor in Psychology at Harvard University. As the co-chair of the Institute of Coaching’s Research Forum, she convenes an annual gathering of global leaders in coaching, with the objective of advancing the research and application of coaching. She was an invited member of the Harvard/World Economic Forum Breakthrough Ideas meeting, and is a frequent contributor to the best practice articles of the online Harvard Business Review. She is principal editor of the comprehensive and definitive Oxford Handbook of Happiness (2013). Dr David is the founding partner of Evidence Based Psychology, a leadership development and management consultancy created to provide strategic advice and help senior executives to foster positive and sustainable outcomes for themselves and their organizations. Her clients are leading organizations across the globe.