Eduardo Qualharini
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Dr. Eduardo Qualharini’s background includes Civil Engineer 1973 UFRJ/Structures & Construction; Esp. Sec of Labor 1976 & Production Civil 1984; Esp. High Studies in Planning and Strategy War College 1992 ; M.Sc. Architecture 1992 & D.Sc. Production Engineer 1996; and Post-doctorate in Civil Production 1998.
Dr. Qualharini has more than 40 years of experience in Production Planning, Construction, Security, Accessibility and Ergonomics Labor, in over 300 projects undertaken in the areas of Civil Engineer and Production. He was coordinator project manager for the General Management of Enterprises in the 1980’s (IESA) and director and coordinator of projects in civil and industrial services in Brazil and abroad, with a cumulative value of more than US$ 2 billion.
He is Full Professor at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Program Environmental and Civil Engineering, and Coordinator of NPPG / UFRJ - Center for Research on Planning and Management, since 2003. He is First Assessor of IPMA Brasil; Member of Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT); Member of Editorial Board of the Journal MPM Project Management; regular reviewer of the journal GEPROS - Faculty of Engineering and Faculty STEP UNESP; and member of the editorial board of the journal Focus on Extension.
Dr. Qualharini can be contacted at Eduardo