Eileen J. Roden
United Kingdom

Eileen Roden is an experienced PMO and PPM Consultant. She works with individuals and organisations, often at Executive level, to improve their delivery capability. She works across a wide range of industry sectors including transport, finance, pharmaceuticals, defence, utilities and the public sector. As Lead Author of P3O® Best Management Practice, Eileen is a recognised expert in the implementation and development of PMOs and influencer in the development of the PMO profession. Her work includes the establishment of the leading PMO training organisation – PMO Learning, building on the success of the sister companies of PMO Flashmob and the PMO Conference. Her passion for all things PMO is underpinned by 17 years practitioner experience, 14 years consultancy and training experience along with a range of academic and professional qualifications.
Profile created 7 October 2019