Greg Saunders
Texas, USA

Greg Saunders is a Certified Agile Practitioner and PMP serving at the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, the Exchange, which is an $8B international retailer for America’s Soldiers and Airmen. He’s currently the manager of the Exchange’s PMO with a team of 22 leading a $511M portfolio of 90 programs, projects, and initiatives.
Previously at the Exchange he
- served as the lead PM for the Exchange’s largest program—replacing the accounting systems;
- worked with PM, governance, and system analyst leads to architect the transformation of the Exchange’s program management approach;
- served as the portfolio manager of 51 primary HR, payroll, & data warehouse systems; and
- served as the PMO head for a 16-person team managing a $150 portfolio of 60 projects.
As manager he ran a $2.5M/year business in a top-tier consultant firm. As reserve USAF colonel he re-established the Denver-based Air Reserve Personnel Center’s (ARPC) PMO; led the upgrade to ARPC’s portion of the Air Force Personnel Center’s call center that supports over 6 million reservists, retirees, and their surviving spouses; and at the Pentagon served as both the USAF Reserves Comptroller and the Reservist to the AF CIO Director for Cyberspace Capabilities and Compliance. Over his 30-year career he has also become a Certified Scrum Master, been certified in ITIL Foundation, and been certified by the Air Force as a Lean, Six Sigma Black Belt. He can be contacted at or
Profile created 7 November 2022