Jesus Martinez Almela
Villareal, Spain
Jesus Martinez Almela, Projects, Programme and Portfolio Manager, Certified IPMA Projects Portfolio Director Level A, Biosystem and Agricultural Engineer, MsC, MBA, PgD, International Trainer, Coach and Consultant. He is founder and owner of Bioagroprojects Biotech PPM and P3Competence for training, consultancy and interim project and programme management (2008-today). He was previously founder of Selco Advanced Engineering and Project Management (1988-2009), an EPMC Company with turn-key projects in Southern Europe, USA, Latin America, Japan and China. He is developer and owner of five patents of invention since 1993 (animal waste and waste-to-energy). Specific areas of expertise: Rural Smarter Development, Agroindustry, Food Security, Waste-to-Energy, Biotechnology, Renewable Energy.
Jesus is past IPMA president and current Chair of the IPMA Council of Delegates (2021-2023). He is Head of the Spanish Certification Body (accredited ISO17024:2012) for Project Management (2005today) and Chairman of the LATNET Network Associations for Project Management (14 countries Spanish speakers) since 2012-today. Focus of activities related to project management: Trainer for Project, Programme and Portfolio Manager, Interim Coach for Human Talent Development, Advisor for International Business Development, Organizational Competences including Change Management, Leadership, Innovation and research projects.
Selected training and consulting experiences
> Training and lecturing in more than 40 countries, 500 companies and 30 Universities since 2005;
> Consultant for relevant Megaprojects like 3rd set locks of Panama Canal Programme Extension, Intercoop, EACI-UE, Hitachi, Korail;
> Developer of International Standards for Research and Project, Programme, Portfolio, Agile Leadership, Coach, Consultant and Trainer in Project Management (1999-today) like ICB3, ICB4, PEB, OCB, ICB4 extensions for CCT and Agile Leadership;
> Lead of the SIG-Special Interest Group for Smarter Rural and Liasison for Smarter Cities and Smarter Water;
> Personal coaching of executives and business developer;
> Author of 8-eight books and > 70 professional and scientific papers;
> Awarded worldwide (5 grants) since 1999 for relevant contributions to engineering, biosecurity and waste treatment projects.
Jesus can be contacted at
Profile created 7 March 2023