Joel Carboni
Illinois, USA

Joel Carboni, IPMA-B® GPM® MPM, is the President and founder of GPM Global (Green Project Management®), a project management professional development organization focused on decoupling socio-environmental degradation and economic vitality. He has over 15 years’ experience in project and program management having worked in both the private and public sectors for organizations such as Accenture, Chase, Harris Bank, and Local Government.
Joel is the architect of the PRiSM project delivery methodology and co-author of the GPM Reference Guide to Sustainability in Project Management and authored training programs for Green Project Management that are currently offered in over 60 countries through professional training organizations and Universities. Joel has been recognized for his work with to promote peace, culture, and education around the world and is the recipient of both the Liberty and Humanitarian awards from the SGI and is a contributor to the UN Global Compact’s 2013 Leaders’ Summit.
He serves as the Vice President for the asapm (IPMA-USA), is on the Executive Board for a regional science center and serves on the Executive Board for government led technology coalition focused on empowering youth to engage in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Joel can be reached at
Articles and Papers
- Sustainability is Critical for Project Success! Interview with Joel Carboni, PhD, Founder & President, Green Project Management - Interview - Khelifi, Carboni - August 2023
- Interview with Joel Carboni, President, GPM Global and IPMA USA - Interviews - Dağlı, Carboni - May 2018
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Project Portfolio Management - Featured Papers - Carboni, Hodgkinson - September 2013
- Aligning Projects to the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative: Monitoring the Impact of Project Processes and Products on People, the Planet, and Profitability - Advisory Articles - Carboni, González - August 2013