John Boyd Campbell
Texas, USA

John Campbell is a professional with 30+ years of progressive experience and proven leadership in professional ground-up and renovation construction project management of hospitality and healthcare facilities. Consistently exceeds goals for cost reductions, and schedule completions. Hands on management experience in seismic safety and hurricane regulated facilities. Lean implementation project management. Active in new product evaluations, business integration as a result of acquisition, outsourcing, and energizing highly motivated teams.
Specialties include Project Management; Project Leadership / Personnel Development; Personal and Professional Development; Communication & Reporting; Scope, Schedule and Budget; Results Driven, Goal Oriented, Self-starter; Quality Control; Lean Means & Methods; Risk Assessment and Management.
John currently teaches Risk Management to Project Management Professionals (PMP's) for Personal Development Units (PDU's) as required to maintain their Certification. John can be contacted at or on LinkedIn at