Juliana Cariello
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Juliana Cariello graduated in Journalism (PUC-Rio), graduated in Administration (CEFET/RJ), postgraduated in Management and Marketing (ESPM / RJ). She has more than 10 years of experience as a freelance reporter and writer in vehicles such as Folha de S. Paulo, Jornal do Brasil, Globo.com, Você S/A. She has four years of experience in projects, as a volunteer, in organizations such as ENACTUS CEFET/RJ, IPMA Brazil and PMI-Rio. Today, she is a freelance journalist, an entrepreneur at Educa Aí and a volunteer project manager for the Third Sector at YC/IPMA Brazil. She has the international PMD Pro 1 certification from APMG, focused on Project Management in the Development Sector.
Created 7 January 2017