Lev Averbakh
New York, USA
Lev Averbakh was born in Chelyabinsk, Russia in 1937. In 1959 he graduated with Master Degree in Industrial Construction from Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute (currently South-Ural State University). Later, he worked as CEO of a large construction company and as senior project manager overseeing reconstruction of the largest in Russia Tractor Factory located in the city of Chelyabinsk. In 1968 Lev completed his term as a research fellow in Novosibirsk State University in the area of Economical Cybernetic, and received a PhD in Economics. In the early seventies Lev created and managed a company that was working on development of automatic control systems and management information systems, also he functioned as chief engineer of these systems. Since 1987 Lev had been working as a professor and had been teaching following subjects: Fundamentals of Management; Economic Analysis of Investment Projects; Mathematical Methods of decision-making; Financial mathematics; Economic Theory; and Securities Market and Trading. Lev has published about 50 research papers and has made numerous conference presentations. In 2001 he moved to the USA and continued his scientific research in cooperation with Russian colleges.