Maurini Elizardo Brito
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Maurini Exizardo Brito is Director of RUMAR Consultoria e Engenharia Ltda.; Visiting Professor at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (POLI/NPPG); Visiting Professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV); Member of the Advisory Board of Albion Capital. He is a naval architect and marine engineer, with an MBA degree in Organizations Management and Marketing and a MS degree in Production Engineering. He is a First Assessor and Project Director of IPMA Brasil; PMI Member; Member of Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Naval (SOBENA).
Maurini has more than 30 years of experience in the shipbuilding, chemical and energy industries; 25 years of management experience in projects of oil platforms, thermic and biodiesel plants, combat and research vessels, amongst others; management experience in transnational projects; commissioning specialist. He was eleven years at the Brazilian Navy (Engineering Branch); twelve years at Michelin Tire Corp.; thirteen years at RUMAR, acting as senior consultant for project management, including nine years as Petrobras senior consultant for commissioning and project management; ten years as project management professor.
Maurini lives in Rio de Janeiro and can be contacted at