Michael Hatfield
Albuquerque, NM, USA

Michael Hatfield, MBA, PMP, CCC, EVP, is the author ofGame Theory in Management (Gower Publishing, 2012) and Things Your PMO Is Doing Wrong (PMI, 2008), but is probably best known as the author of the long running column in PMNetwork magazine, Variance Threshold. BesidesPMNetwork, his work has appeared in the Project Management Journal, Cost Engineering, Gantthead, People on Projects, The Measurable News, and even in the Nuclear Weapons Journal. He has worked as an entry-level technician for the Air Force Weapons Laboratory’s Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) test sites, as the director of a National Laboratory’s Project Management Office overseeing a budget of $1.3 Billion (USD), and many very interesting jobs in-between.
Michael lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, with his wife and two sons, and can be reached at varthold@aol.com.
Created 30 August 2013