Morten Fangel
Copenhagen, Denmark
Famgel Consultants Ltd.
Morten Fangel is Managing Director and Chief Consultant of Fangel Consultants Ltd. and one of the founders of the Danish Project Management Association, (IPMA Denmark) of which he today is the Managing Director. Morten is also member of four other Nordic PM Associations, the International Project Management Association (IPMA), the Project Management Institute (PMI ®) and the Association of Certified Management Consultants (CMC). He is former president, past Chair and an Honorary Fellow of IPMA, and an honorary member of the Icelandic Project Management Association. Morten is also a global advisor for the PM World Journal.
Morten Fangel holds a Masters of Science degree in Civil Engineering, and Ph.D. in industrial research from the Technical University of Denmark and a Diploma in Economics degree from the Copenhagen Business School. After years in consulting Engineering companies, he founded Fangel Consultants Ltd., from where he has more than three decades of experience in management consulting.
Morten Fangel has introduced and is a specialist in methodologies for project preparation and start-up, and for planning and evaluation of project management. He also organizes and teaches the annual IPMA Advanced Courses.
Morten can be contacted at