Peter Kaul

Peter Kaul, DBAc., MBA, MSc., FBCS CITP, PMP, PMI-ACP, IPMO-E is key account program manager for global IT and SAP initiatives of different sizes and complexity with a proven track record of successful programs and projects across 20+ countries including US, Latin America, APAC and Europe. Having been involved in many successful business transformations in different industries, he is experienced to work in complex and fast changing international environments and enjoys cultural diversity. Peter is also a passionate trainer, academic researcher, conference speaker and author in the field of organizational design, project management and project management offices (PMO). Together with a group of experts and researchers he is currently working on a first universal maturity standard for PMOs which is also part of his doctoral research that Peter is about to finalize in Summer 2019. Peter has published several academic papers on PMO success and maturity and is reviewer for different international conferences including PMI, Academy of Management, EURAM, IRNOP. Peter can be contacted at:
Profile created 7 May 2019