Dr. Ruth Murray-Webster
United Kingdom

Dr Ruth Murray-Webster is Director, Potentiality UK and former Director of the Change Portfolio for Associated British Ports Ltd. Ruth has 35+ years of experience in a series of roles to enable organisations in many sectors to deliver change objectives, including as Director of the Risk in the Boardroom practice for KPMG LLP in the UK and 10 years as a Director of Lucidus Consulting Ltd.
Along this journey, Ruth researched organisational change from the perspective of the recipients of change for an Executive Doctorate at Cranfield School of Management. She has also taken a keen interest in risk management along the way, co-authoring four books on the people aspects of risk management with David Hillson (Understanding and Managing Risk Attitude, 2007; Managing Group Risk Attitude, 2008; A Short Guide to Risk Appetite, 2012), and with Penny Pullan (A Short Guide to Facilitating Risk Management, 2011).
Ruth was awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Association for Project Management in 2013 for her services to risk and change.
Dr Ruth Murray-Webster can be contacted at ruthmurraywebster@gmail.com
Updated October 2022
Articles and Papers
- Taming the Risk Hurricane: Preparing for Major Business Disruption (Berrett-Koehler) - Book Review - Murray-Webster - October 2022
- Defining and Using Risk Appetite - Series Articles - Murray-Webster - August 2016
- Scaling the PEAKS of Competence - Series Articles - Hillson, Murray-Webster - April 2015