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Serge Garon

Québec, Canada
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SergeGaron Garon

Serge Garon
, CD, EurIng, P.Eng, MSc, PMP, CMII is retired Executive Director at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and retired Naval Engineering Officer (Royal Canadian Navy), Serge is now a Teaching-Professor of Project and Disaster Management at the University of Quebec in Montreal, a senior instructor for the PMI Chapter of Montreal, and a project risk management consultant.  He has been national and international speaker at conferences such as the PMI Risk SIG in Houston, the IEEE Ottawa Section, the International Aerospace Congress (IAC) in various countries, the Quebec Professional Engineers Association, the PMI-Montreal Annual Symposium and other venues.  He has published in the Journal of Project Management (PMI), the Journal of Knowledge Management (Emerald Publishing), and the Canadian Forces Marine Engineering Journal, amongst others.

Serge is also a very experienced project manager.  His CSA experience includes that of Director of the Canadian contribution to the James Web Space Telescope project, Director of the Cassiope and the Neosat space projects, Director of the EPMO and Program Assurance at the CSA, Senior Risk Manager for the Canadarm-2 project for the International Space Station, and management of the CSA Emergency Shelter Project during the 1998 Ice Storm.   As a Marine Engineer and Naval Architect, he held the functions of Senior Naval Architect for Naval Construction projects and sea trials, following previous experience as Shipboard Chief-Engineer, damage control specialist and Marine Engineering Instructor.

Serge is a graduate of the MIT (Graduate certificates in shipyard management and ship protection), the University College London (MSc in Naval Architecture and Post-Grad Certificate in Submarine design), the Canadian Navy (Naval Architecture, Shipboard Chief Engineering, and Damage Control Specialty), and Laval University (Chemical engineering).   He has been recognized for his engineering, project management and humanitarian contributions through awards such as the TM Pallas Award (from the CIMare), the CDS Commendation (Canadian Forces), and the Paul Harris Award (Rotary Club).   Most especially, Serge enjoys sharing about Project Management.

Profile created 7 May 2021

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