Sergio Botero
Medellín, Colombia
Sergio Botero is an Associate Professor at the Organizations Engineering Department, Faculty of Mines, Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Medellin. He holds a Doctor of Science degree in Engineering Management - (Major: Energy and Environmental Management) at The George Washington University, Washington, DC., a Master´s degree in Engineering Management at Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. and a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellin, Colombia. His experience includes the following positions: Professor and Researcher in “Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana” (Medellín, Colombia), in the Energy and Thermodynamics Group, Focused in Energy Efficiency projects in Colombia. Consultant in the Inter-American Development Bank (Washington, D.C., U.S.A.), as a technical assistant of the “Sustainable Markets for Sustainable Energy” Program, which was focused in developing markets for energy efficiency and renewable energy in Latin American countries. Director of Turbogen department, “Motoplantas Bristol” (Medellín Colombia), marketing micro turbines in Colombia and power plants for rent.
In his current position at Universidad Nacional he has worked in the following activities: Director, Organization Engineering Department. Director of the “Energy – Environment – Economy Modeling and Analysis” research group. In addition, he has been teacher in the following programs, Postgraduate: Doctorate in Engineering – Industry and Organizations. Master in Engineering Management, Specialization in Energy Markets, Specialization in Financial Engineering, Specialization in Management. Undergraduate: Engineering Management, and Industrial Engineering.
Sergio is based in Medellín, Colombia, and can be contacted at: