Shankar Sankaran, PhD
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Shankar Sankaran, PhD, PMP, CPEng is Professor of Organizational Project Management at the School of the Built Environment at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia teaching advanced level subjects in a Master of Project Management Course and conducting research in project leadership. Shankar teaches project leadership in a Master of Project Management Course in Australia and conducts research in megaprojects and project leadership. He has published papers in The International Journal of Project Management and The International Journal of Managing Projects in Business and guest edited a special issue on megaprojects for the Project Management Journal. He is one of the editors of the book titled Megaproject Leaders- Reflections on Personal Life Stories and author of a book titled Balanced Leadership: Making the Best of Personal and Team Leadership in Projects along with Professors Ralf Müller from Norway and Nathalie Drouin from Canada. More at and He can be contacted at
Profile created 7 April 2022