Thomas Baumann
Troy, Michigan, ""

Orbitak International LLC
Thomas Baumann, born in 1960 studied physics. After some years in the power plant industry he got in contact with the matter of project management and joined a management consultancy. Using his experiences in the power plant and offshore industry he implemented project management in international and global acting companies. Later he joined the large German Automaker Volkswagen AG as principal of the Volkswagen consulting and was responsible for the strategic development of the component plants esp. in Germany. Because of his strong ties to project management field he was asked to establish and manage the center of competence of PM of VW in Wolfsburg, Germany. Later he became the leader of Business Processes and IT-Strategy at Volkswagen of America in Detroit, USA.
Today Th0mas is Director of the Orbitak Consultancy company and CEO of the Orbitak International LLC in Detroit USA. Since more than 20 years he is working/leading consulting projects & programs mainly in global acting enterprises in the automotive & supplier, public, education and banking industry. Mr. Baumann is specialized in the fields of strategic consulting, business processes and project management- especially PM-maturities and new trends in project management. During the last years he was focused on the transfer of results from fields like expertise research, neurobiology and complexity management into practical hints for the field of (project) management about which he published several papers. He also is specialized in setting up and managing complex projects within the educational sector where politics, industry and academic providers have to partner.
Thomas Baumann won with his colleagues Manfred Saynisch and Dr. Louis Klein the 2010 International ICCPM research prize. Thomas can be contacted at