Todd C. Williams
Washiington State, USA

A strong comprehensive strategic foundation coupled with operational excellence allows companies to build the capabilities to thrive. This is Todd Williams’ approach to helping companies succeed. Utilizing over twenty-five years of experience he helps companies turn their vision into value by executing initiatives successfully.
Following his mantra, “Strategy, People, Process, and then Technology,” he specializes in rescuing projects and helping organizations build the infrastructure to prevent future failures.
His international experience, working with executives and multicultural teams has earned him a reputation as someone that can come into any situation and address issues. Captured in his book Rescue the Problem Project, he defines a project audit and recovery process for rescuing red projects that focuses on the role of people in projects, root cause correction, and failure prevention.
He also writes for The CEO Magazine, American Management Association Playbook blog, his own Back From Red blog, and numerous other outlets. Periodicals, including Fortune/CNN Money, CIO Update, ZDNet, Enterprising CIO, and IT Business Edge routinely, ask for his opinion on critical issues facing today’s business leaders.
He is also an internationally acclaimed speaker doing over 30 presentations and workshops a year throughout the United States, Canada, and European Union.
Todd can be contacted at
Created November 2015