Tomas Blomquist, PhD
Umeå, Sweden

Umeå School of Business and Economics
Tomas Blomquist is a professor in Business Administration at Umeå University. He is the director of research at the department and the research profile leader for the business school’s research profile on Projects, Innovation and Networks. He is currently involved in work on behavioral aspects of coaching in business incubation and inter-organizational aspects of business development around digitalization and IoT. Tomas has previously done research with mixed methods research and his work is published in several international journals including Business Horizons, Business Strategy and the Environment, Industrial Marketing Management, Harvard Business Review, and Project Management Journal and International Journal of Project Management. His latest publication in International Journal of Project Management develops a self-efficacy scale for project management. A six-item self-efficacy scale that predicts project management performance and might be used for selection and hiring of project managers.
Created 7 December 2017