Valentina Ivanova, PhD
Sofia, Bulgaria
New Bulgarian University
Dipl. Eng. Valentina Ivanova is assistant professor at Informatics Department at NBU, the largest private university in Bulgaria. Her main courses include programming languages, software engineering and IT project management at Bachelor and Master Degree Levels. She holds a PhD in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), a PMP certificate, and since 2012 is a SEI Certified PSP Instructor.
Valentina Ivanova is in charge of the M.Sc. degree programmes at Informatics Department at NBU. Her main focus is the process of continuous improvement of the educational offer of the department at Master degree level, in order to meet the challenges of the dynamic technological and economical development in the globalized world. Her recent work is in the area of e-Leadership and e-Leadership curricula development.
Valentina Ivanova believes that agility in higher educational institutions' programmes empowers students and businesses to pursue maximum business value as owners of their educational needs and goals.
Prof Ivanova can be contacted at
(posted August 2016)