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International CorrespondentVitor Vargas, PMP, MBA, MSc* specializes in project management (and planning) and director of VV Consulting projects with expertise in different segments and sizes such as: Designs UN-BC (Business Unit of the Campos Basin) for Petrobras® his projects receiving three awards, management the PMO in FPTI – Itaipu (the world’s largest hydroelectric) Proyecto de Bayovar-Peru (development of a field of extraction of phosphate), projects of B2B (Business to Business) on one of the largest e-commerce world, coordination of planning in FPSO (unit production and stockpiling of oil in the Basin Campos). He is Certified PMP ® – Project Management Professional – With an MBA in Project Management from Universidade Federal Fluminense UFF ® and Management by IBEC / INPG (Brazilian Institute of Engineering and Cost) and Mastering in Economics. Vitor participated as a founder of Branch PMI-Rio Campos Basin. He has worked in Information Technology since 1996 and since then has developed and participated in the creation of various projects. In 2003 he started to participate in projects in engineering (Petrobras® and Transpetro ®). Active member of the community GP, writing many articles and giving lectures (currently writing a book), professor of MBA IBEC / INPG, UCB, Uniamérica, UDC, CNEC, Unifoa, coordinator of MBA`s project management in the IBEC / INPG . He is also an international correspondent for PM World in Brazil.