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Dr. Mladen Vukomanović


International Academic Advisor


Dr. Mladen Vukomanović

Associate Professor
University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia

Dr. Mladen Vukomanović is Associate Professor at the University of Zagreb where he teaches project management and construction management courses.  Holding a PhD in Performance Management Systems in Project Environments, during the last 15 years he has published and presented on the global scene. He was involved in four research projects which have resulted in more than 80 publications, among which are 4 books. Mladen actively participates in international conferences and holds keynote speeches. His is particularly interested in: Project Management, Building Information Modeling, ICT in Project Management and Strategic Performance Management.

He leads an IT project for developing a BIM construction management system – GALA, and a research project ”Business Excellence in the Construction Industry in Croatia“.

He is the Editor in Chief of the international scientific journal: Organization, Technology & Management in Construction and member of the editorial board of International Joural of Project Management; The PM World Journal; Project Management Research and Practice i European Journal of Project Management Journal.

Besides working for the university, Mladen is actively involved with the International Project Management Association (IPMA). He was the member of the IPMA Council of Delegates (COD) for 6 years; he took part in the core teams of the two major IPMA global standards: Organizational Competence Baseline (OCB), version 1 and currently takes part in IPMA ICB version 4.0. He served as project director for the 2013 IPMA World Congress held in Dubrovnik, Croatia.  He was member of the IPMA President’s Advisory Board (PAG) and chaired the IPMA Young Crew Management Board.

Prof Vukomanović can be contacted at mvukoman@grad.hr

Information about the University of Zagreb can be found at http://www.grad.unizg.hr

Profile updated November 2019


