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Environmental Protection and Restoration

Many programs and projects are being launched to protect and restore the natural environment.  Many are government sponsored, but many more are initiated by private and non-profit organizations led by passionate people who may lack formal project management education or knowledge.  Nevertheless, many are achieving great things.  This section of the library is intended to provide information about some of those organizations, projects and programs - as examples of what others can also do and to identify initiatives that might benefit from professional project management support.

Information and Statistics



Global Initiatives, Programs, Projects



Regional / Local Initiatives

Players for the Planet – An initiative by professional sports figures in the United States to promote environmental protection and sustainability by citizens, players and teams and at ballparks. Players for the Planet (P4P) believes in uniting athletes to bring lasting and measurable transformation on the Earth. P4P is led by former Major League Baseball players Chris Dickerson of the Baltimore Orioles, Jack Cassel of the San Diego Padres and Bryan Ingram from the Colorado Rockies Organization and Oregon State University Baseball. P4P believes the transformation of the world must take place and start within each one of us. Their motto is “Athletes United for Global Change.”  More about their activities and projects at www.playersfortheplanet.com



National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - A U.S. federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, ocean, and coast, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. NOAA’s mission to better understand our natural world and help protect its precious resources extends beyond national borders to monitor global weather and climate, and work with partners around the world. NOAA holds key leadership roles in shaping international ocean, fisheries, climate, space and weather policies. Learn more at https://www.noaa.gov/


Papers, Reports, Studies

Babarinde, S.Al, Olanrewaju, O.I., Oyefusi, O.N., Adeyemo, M.O. (2019). Critical Review of Factors Inhibiting the Adoption of Green Building Design in Nigeria; PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue VII, August.  Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/pmwj84-Aug2019-Factors-Inhibiting-Green-Building-in-Nigeria-1.pdf

Okorie, V. N. and Olanrewaju, O. I. (2019). Improving Environmental Health Hazards Emanating from Indiscriminate Dumping of Solid Waste through Leadership Approach: A Case of Benin City, Nigeria. PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue II (February). Available online at https://pmworldjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/pmwj79-Feb2019-Okorie-Olanrewaju-Improving-Environmental-Health-through-Leadership.pdf

Onososen, A.O.; Osanyin, O.; Adeyemo, M.O. (2019). Drivers and Barriers to the Implementation of Green Building Development; PM World Journal, Vol. VIII, Issue IX, October. Available online at https://pmworldlibrary.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/pmwj86-Oct2019-Onososen-Osanyin-Adeyemo-green-building-development.pdf



Articles, Blogs, Expert Opinions



Educational Multi-Media Lectures, Presentations, Videos




Other Resources



More Coming Soon - Please Check Back

This section of the library is a work in progress.  If you know of good resources to add here, please let us know.  If you are a student and might like to help, consider our research internship.  Click here for information or contact help2@pmworldlibrary.net

This section of the library created 20 February 2018


