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Achieving Niagara Falls’ Future

New Resource in the Library

An assessment of Niagara Falls’ waterfront planning

31 October 2015 – Buffalo, NY, USA – A new resource has been added to the PM World Library related to projects and project management in and around Buffalo, New York, USA. The new resource is titled “Achieving Niagara Falls’ Future.”

Redevelopment of the Niagara Falls waterfront has been the topic of many previous proposals. The topic will continue to evolve over time. In 2002 a report was prepared to gather the best ideas from various plans to help the City of Niagara Falls plan for redevelopment. The three major goals of the plan were to reconnect the waterfront with downtown Niagara Falls, repair and improve both urban and natural environments, and to develop tourism interest in the region.

151031 - Niagara Falls imageTo access this new resource, go to, click on “Urban Development”, scroll down to USA and click on “Achieving Niagara Falls Future”. Must be a registered member to access.

Posted by: Alexander Ehms
