10 February 2016 – Dallas, TX, USA and London, UK – A fascinating new article was published in the February edition of the PM World Journal and has now been added to the PM World Library. The article titled “Are Women Better Suited to Project Leadership than Men?” is by Sharon De Mascia in the United Kingdom.
According to Sharon’s introduction, “Research into leadership styles suggests that we are moving towards a more ‘Transformational’ style which emphasis emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. Meanwhile, some studies have found that women have an advantage over men when it comes to the emotional aspects of leadership. Does this mean that women are naturally good at transformational leadership? If so, then my next question is 'why are women still under-represented in project leadership?'
It would be easy to give knee-jerk answers to these questions, but before you all jump in with your comments and opinions (which are definitely welcome), let’s survey the evidence and see what it tells us?”
To read this article, visit the author’s showcase in the library at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/sharon-de-mascia/ and click on the title. Access is free, but you are encouraged to register.