Access to new U.S. Defense Department Cost Management Guidebook added to PM World Library
1 April 2016 – Almaty, Kazakhstan – A new resource has been added to the PM World Library related to project cost management. The new resource is titled “DoD Operating and Support (O&S) Cost Management Guidebook”.
The U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics & Materiel Readiness (L&MR) has issued the highly anticipated “Operating and Support (O&S) Cost Management Guidebook.” Not to be confused with the CAPE's (DoD Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation) existing Operating and Support Cost Estimating Guide, this outstanding new resource has wide application across multiple functional communities, spans the entire system life cycle, and will serve as a key enabler in designing, developing, fielding and sustaining affordable weapon systems.
According to the ASD(L&MR), “this guidebook highlights the criticality of early O&S cost management through product design and the Product Support Strategy (PSS). The guidebook helps users focus their requirements, design and product support planning activities to identify and pursue early procedural means to mitigate O&S costs and specific tools to reduce O&S costs. Additionally, the guidebook provides a set of tools for effectively communicating O&S cost assumptions, comparisons, and risks to support acquisition decisions and program reviews….This guidebook is for program, business, engineering, requirements and life cycle logistics management professionals. It provides an approach to O&S cost management with an emphasis on early design trades that influence O&S costs. The Program Manager (PM) and his/her supporting staff, including the Product Support Manager (PSM), Business Financial Manager (BFM), and Chief Engineer, will benefit most from this guidance. Additionally, Component acquisition, resource and requirements officials will benefit during the pre-program phase, as they set the conditions for effective and affordable life cycle product support. This guidebook complements existing guidance for the PM and PSM in the task of planning and executing affordable product support.”
To access this new resource, go to, then under “P/PM Applications”, click on “Project Controls”. The resource can also be found in the PMWL under Public Resources at, under USA, national government, Department of Defense. Must be a registered member to access.
Posted by: Assylkhan Ziyash