Analysis of different project models and post-implementation governance in benefitting local communities
15 March 2016 – Milan, Italy – A new resource has been added to the PM World Library related to renewable energy projects. The new resource is titled “Energy planning and development in Malaysian Borneo: Assessing the benefits of distributed technologies versus large-scale energy mega-projects”.
This paper tackles the debate over megaprojects, especially mega-dams, vs small renewables in Malaysia. This study puts demand growth scenarios vis-à-vis capacity increases, highlighting that excessive improvements in capacity would just lead to higher system costs. The analysis then focuses on the competitiveness of renewable energy in the area (namely solar and biomass), finding them feasible and cost-competitive. Public incentives to the various sources are finally expected to be determinant in the success of a certain national energy paradigm or another.
To access this new resource, go to, click on “Energy - Renewables (Solar, Tidal, Wind)”, then scroll down to find resource. Must be registered and logged in to access.
Posted by: Gianluca Scopetta