Access to comparative studies of PM certifications by Dr. Paul Giammalvo available in PM World Library
19 September 2016 – Dallas, TX, USA and Jakarta, Indonesia – Access to a new resource has been added to the PM World Library (PMWL) in the PM Profession section related to project management certifications. The new resource is titled "Papers by Dr. Paul Giammalvo."
Dr. Paul D. Giammalvo, CDT, CCE (#1240), MScPM, MRICS, GPM-m is Senior Technical Advisor (Project Management) to PT Mitratata Citragraha (PTMC), Jakarta, Indonesia. He has spent 18 of the last 35 years working on large, highly technical international projects. For 20+ years, he has also been providing Project Management training and consulting throughout South and Eastern Asia, the Middle East and Europe. He is also active in the global project management community, serving as an advocate for and on behalf of the global practitioner. Since 2010 he has conducted extensive research comparing various project management certifications around the world, with the results published in the PM World Journal. Those papers are available in the PMWL.
Dr. Giammalvo holds an undergraduate degree in Construction Management, a Master of Science in Project Management through the George Washington University and a PhD in Project and Program Management through the Institute Superieur De Gestion Industrielle (ISGI) and Ecole Superieure De Commerce De Lille (ESC-Lille- now SKEMA School of Management). Additional background and works by Dr. Giammalvo can be found at
To access his certification studies, go to PPM professions section in the PMWL at, click on “Certifications and Qualifications”, then scroll down to find these resources. Must be registered and logged in library member to access.