1978 conference paper by Bob Youker still relevant today, now available in PMWL
24 October 2016 – Maryland, USA – Access to a new resource has been added to the PM World Library (PMWL) in the PM World Collection. The resource is called “Implementing Change in Organizations” and is a paper by Bob Youker that was originally presented at the PMI Annual Symposium in 1978. Bob’s corresponding slide presentation is also included.
According to the paper’s introduction so many years ago: Workers in organizations are often faced with the problem of introducing change to procedures that may impact the status quo. Some simple changes result in strong resistance, causing additional problems for management. Other changes are usually accepted as worthwhile improvements. The purpose of this paper is to define why some changes are resisted, while others are accepted, and to describe how managers can use procedures that may result in a substantially higher rate of acceptance of proposed changes.
Robert (Bob) Youker is long retired from the World Bank where he developed and presented project management training courses for managers of major projects in many different countries. He served as the technical author for the bank on the Instructors Resource Kit on CD ROM for a five week training course on Managing the Implementation of Development Projects. With some 50 years of experience in the project management field, Bob authored and presented papers over the years at various PMI and IPMA conferences. Mr. Youker is a graduate of Colgate University and the Harvard Business School, and studied for a doctorate in behavioral science at George Washington University in the United States.
To access these still relevant resources, go to Bob’s author showcase page in the library at http://pmworldlibrary.net/authors/robert-bob-youker/, then scroll down to correct title. Access is FREE.