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NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Access to NASA systems engineering eBook added to PMWL

14 September 2016 – Dallas, TX and Washington, DC, USA - A new resource has been added to the PM World Library (PMWL) in the Glossaries and Dictionaries section.  The new resource is titled "NASA Systems Engineering Handbook."

160914-new-in-the-library-nasa-logoThe NASA Systems Engineering Handbook provides top-level guidelines for good systems engineering practice. It consists of six core chapters: (1) systems engineering fundamentals discussion, (2) the NASA program/project life cycles, (3) systems engineering processes to get from a concept to a design, (4) systems engineering processes to get from a design to a final product, (5) crosscutting management processes in systems en­gineering, and (6) special topics relative to systems engineering. These core chapters are supplemented by appendices that provide outlines, examples, and further information to illustrate topics in the core chapters.

Created in 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is America’s focal point for research, development and exploration of outer space.  For over 50 years, NASA has been leading the world in the development and usage of advanced program and project management.

To access this new resource, go to Books and Publishers section in the PMWL at, click on eBooks and scroll down to find the resource.  Must be registered and logged in to access.


