Access to career planning resource for students interested in strategic management or business development
Resource provided by Domenico Moccia
2 May 2017 – Milan, Italy – Access to a new resource has been added to the PM World Library related to Strategic Planning and Management. The new resource is titled “Strategic Planning and Business Development”, published by the University of Pittsburgh in order to help graduates to approach their first job.
The opening of this brief article is related to the differences between strategic planners and business developers: since these kinds of jobs are often confused, the first step is to define the main tasks of each one. Furthermore, there is a difference among those who work on temporary projects and others who have long-term positions and focus on the strategy of the corporation as a whole. Even if the regular career path is described through three main stages (entry-level stage, project management stage and directorial stage), it is specified that the strategic planning role might not have a sharply defined identity and it is defined uniquely in each organization. For those who want a general management role, this could be a good step to start their career and boost their attractiveness in the job market. The final paragraph is dedicated to some tips for job seekers: work-life balance, for example, could have a critical impact while starting a new job.
To access this new resource, go to the Applications and Hot Topics section of the library at, click on “Strategic Planning and Management”, scroll down to resource. Must be a registered member and logged-in to access.