Age old question: How do Baby Boomers pass on their knowledge to younger generations?
20 November 2015 – Dallas, Texas, USA – “The Baseless Fear of Mentoring Millennials” is a paper by Zelda Jones that was originally presented at the 9th UT Dallas Project Management Symposium in August. It was republished in the November edition of the PM World Journal and added to the PM World Library this month.
According to the author’s introduction, “Baby Boomers are trickling into retirement while Millennials are surging into the work force. At the current pace it is almost certain the paths of these two disparate groups will cross in the work force. Boomers, including Project Managers, must now begin the task of passing down their vast knowledge and comprehension of their discipline to the upcoming generations… This paper investigates the complex mentoring role the Baby Boomer Project Managers will assume when Millennials are assigned to their project…”
To read this very interesting paper, go to and click on the title. Access is free.