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P/PM Professional Organizations – Africa (Central & North)


PMI Cameroon Chapter



Management Engineering Society (MES) - Cairo



Ghana Institution of Surveyors



Construction Project Managers Chapter of Architectural Association of Kenya

Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya

Kenya Association of Project Managers (KAPM)

PMI Kenya Chapter





AACE Nigeria (Port Harcourt Section) – The 161006-aace-nigeria-logoAssociation is dedicated to the tenets of furthering the concepts of total cost management and cost engineering through a systematic approach to managing cost throughout the life cycle of any enterprise, program, facility, project, product, or service. To learn more: http://www.aacenigeria-ph.org/ (Osayande)

Nigerian Institute of Appraisers and Cost Engineers

Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS)

160626 - PMDAN logoProject Managers Development Association of Nigeria (PMDAN) - the non-profit project management professional organization in Nigeria that is also the national member association in IPMA.  PMDAN was established in 2010 to serve as an umbrella organization in Nigeria to promote and advance the academic and professional development of project managers and to establish alliances with recognized national and international organizations. PMDAN was formed to provide a truly Nigerian member association of the IPMA to reflect our cultural perspectives and create ways of improving project implementation peculiar to our environment. To learn more: http://pmdan.org/en/about/aboutpmdan/ Olawale

PMI Nigeria – A local chapter of the Project 160922-pmi-nigeria-logoManagement Institute (PMI), PMI Nigeria operates through a network of branches and outreaches across Nigeria, each of which holds regular Chapter meetings featuring industry expert speakers. The Chapter also, amongst other local and Nigeria-wide events, hosts an annual conference featuring expert keynote speakers and which celebrates its members, project managers and the project management profession in Nigeria. PMI Nigeria’s aim is to promote and raise awareness of the profession of “Project Management” among Nigeria’s youth, schools, universities, organizations and government, to develop and promote project management and grow the community of project managers, with the objective to develop and raise awareness on project management best practices and standards in Nigeria. PMI Nigeria has over 700 members and was founded in 2005.To learn more: http://www.pminigeria.org/ (Osayande) (Onwunalu)




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