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UK – National Government Organizations


UK Government Functional Standards - Functional standards exist to create a coherent, effective and mutually understood way of doing business within government organisations and across organisational boundaries, and to provide a stable basis for assurance, risk management, and capability improvement. They support value for money for the taxpayer, and continuity of implementation. Visit: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/functional-standards


Department of Business, Information and Skills (BIS)

Guidance on organising, planning and managing projects (2010)- Covers the purpose of project management, project start-up and initiation, running a project, project closure, benefits realisation, and includes example templates. Intended to help those involved in delivering projects in BIS and its partner organisations to maximise the potential for projects to succeed by helping to address each element of the project at the right time and to the right level of detail. To download, go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-organising-planning-and-managing-projects


HM Treasury


Infrastructure and Projects Authority

Infrastructure and Projects Authority (UK) - Formed on 1 January 2016, brings together Infrastructure UK (IUK) and the Major Projects Authority (MPA), the Infrastructure and Projects Authority brings together expertise in infrastructure and the financing, delivery and assurance of major projects as a single unit, reporting to the Chancellor and the Minister for the Cabinet Office. It supports infrastructure and project development and delivery across the whole of government. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/infrastructure-and-projects-authority

GovS 002: Project Delivery (2018) – Government Functional Standard developed by the UK’S Infrastructure and Projects Authority, Version 1.2, issued for internal government trial on 1 August.  Available online at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/746400/Project_Delivery_Standard_1.2.pdf

Guide for Effective Benefits Management in Major Projects (2017) - published by the UK’s Infrastructure and Projects Authority in October 2017. This guide provides structure and sets expectations for major project teams when undertaking benefits management.  To access this guide, go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guide-for-effective-benefits-management-in-major-projects

National Archives (UK)

Achieving Excellence in Construction Guides

Best Practice Guidance on Programme and Project Management, Procurement and related topics

OGC Gateway Review for Programmes & Projects

Programmes and Projects Resource Toolkit

National Audit Office - UK Government

Lessons learned: Delivering programmes at speed (2021) - report from the UK’S National Audit Office, provides insights from the COVID-19 pandemic response and EU Exit programmes, 28 pages, 30 September. https://www.nao.org.uk/report/lessons-learned-from-delivering-programmes-at-speed/

Framework to review programmes (2017) – from the National Audit Office (NAO) in the United Kingdom.  Based on about 100 NAO reports on major projects and programmes, this framework sets out the key questions that NAO asks, with links to examples from their back catalogue and to further more detailed guidance on specific issues.  Access framework at https://www.nao.org.uk/report/framework-to-review-programmes/


UK Government - Other

Guidelines for managing programmes: understanding programmes and programme management (2010) - Overview level understanding of programmes and programme management and how they differ from projects and project management. Includes example templates. Intended for senior responsible owners and programme managers involved in delivering large-scale initiatives in BIS and its partner organisations. To download, go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidelines-for-managing-programmes-understanding-programmes-and-programme-management




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