The PM World Library (PMWL) premium level membership offers access to various databases only available to libraries and organizations. Effective 1 May 2015, we have contracted with EBSCO, one of the world’s largest providers of databases to libraries, for access to their Business Book Summaries database and Business Source Corporate Plus database. Additional services will be negotiated with other database providers in the future in order to provide PMWL members with low cost access to more resources.
Scholar - Premium Access is available to Individuals and ALL Groups
Current Premium Access Benefits
Include all of the following
EBSCO Business Book Summaries - Access to summaries of 2,600+ business books published over the last few decades, including best sellers by such authors as Dale Carnegie, Stephen R. Covey, Edward De Bono, Paul C. Dinsmore, Peter F. Drucker, Jack Ferraro, Malcom Gladwell, Seth Godin, Walter Isaacson, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Sarah Kaplan, Tom Kendrick, John P. Kotter, Maribeth Kuzneski, John C. Maxwell, Henry Mintzberg, Mark A Murphy, John Naisbitt, Tom Peters, Michael E. Porter, Brian Tracy and many others. To see full list, click here. To see list by authors, click here. After registration, access to these book summaries will be available through the Books & Publishers section of the PM World Library.
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Business Source Corporate Plus is designed to meet the diverse information needs of today's organizations and managers. This product contains the following:
EBSCO Publications Database - Access to over 6,000 business magazines, journals and industry publications from around the world, including Australian Business, Business Week, California Management Review, Canadian Business, China Business Review, Construction Engineer, Datamation, Engineering News Record, Enterpreneur, Euroweek, Fast Company, Forbes, Fortune, Government Executive, Harvard Business Review, India Business Journal, Information Week, McKinsey Quarterly, New Zealand Management, Newsweek, PC World, PM Network, The Economist, Wired and many more. To see full list, click here.
BSC Plus provides access to industry and trade publications including Architectural Record, Automotive Engineer, Autoweek, Civil Engineering, CIO, Construction Engineer, Cost Engineering, Biotech Business, Buildings, Chemical Week, Engineer, Defense AT&L, Energy Journal, Engineering and Mining Journal, Engineering News Record, IEEE Transactions, Information Systems Management, Infrastructure Executive, Infrastructure Today, Oil & Gas Business, Pharmaceutical Executive, Pipeline & Gas Journal, Pit & Quarry, Plant Engineering, Public CIO, Railway Age, Utility Week, Wireless Week and World Oil. To see full list, click here.
Access is provided to hundreds of academic journals including AACE International Transactions, Academy of Management Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Australian Journal of Information Systems, British Journal of Management, European Journal of Business & Management, European Management Review, Engineering Management Journal, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, International Journal of Project Management, Journal of African Business, Journal of Project Finance, Project Management Journal, South African Journal of Business Management, and many more. To see full list, click here.
Access is also provided to such popular magazines Cigar Aficionado, Computerworld, Consumer Reports, Enterpreneur, Inc., InfoWorld, Macworld, Money, Newsweek, PC Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Psychology Today, Scientific American, Smithsonian, Sports Illustrated, Time, Wine Spectator and others around the world. To see full list, click here.. After registration, access to these publications will be available through the Journals & Magazines section of the PM World Library.
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EBSCO's Newswires - AP wires and thousands of newsfeeds, updated in real time, provides access to top world-wide news from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire, and Business Wire on a continuous basis. This content is monitored by EBSCO and relevant results are provided when users enter searches in EBSCOhost.
This collection includes AP Financial News, AP Top News, AP WorldStream, AP U.S. Politics & Government, AP 50 State Reports, UPI Security Industry, UPI Emerging Threats, UPI Business, UPI Entertainment, UPI Sports, UPI Top News, Arabia 2000, and more. End users can immediately access the full text of the web content, by following the link in the record. The index to the full text content in EBSCO Newswires is held for a rolling 30-day archive by EBSCO, so users can enjoy the previous 30 days of news relating to their search interests.
Over 2400 newspapers are accessible, including the Chicago Tribune, Dallas Morning News, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Seattle Times, Sydney Morning Herald, Times (UK), Times of India, Toronto Star, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and many more. To see list of newspapers included, click here. After registration, access this service in the News section of the PM World Library.
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EBSCO's Web News - provides near real-time access to thousands of top news feeds from around the globe. This collection includes over 14,000 feeds covering a range of business and general news topics. End users can immediately access the full text of the web content, by following the link in the record. After registration, access this service in the News section of the PM World Library.
BSC Plus also provides access to corporate, industry and market information including nearly country economic reports from Global Insight, CountryWatch, etc.; 10,150 substantial company profiles; and over 5,200 full-text industry reports. Business Source Corporate also provides databases with hundreds of sources including business publications, newspapers and newswires. BSC Plus also provides additional sources of business, industry and market information including more than one million substantial company listings, 850,000 transcripts and more than 1,600 country economic reports. After registration, access this service in the Other Information section of the PM World Library.
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Registered Scholar – Premium Members also have access to all information and links in the PM World Library, including the following:
• All authors and works in the PM World Collection; search, download and read articles and papers on over 150 topics;
• All news and news feeds in the library, including access to EBSCO news and any other paid services added in the future;
• All book information in the library, and to EBSCO Business Book Summaries, which is also a searchable database;
• All Journal and publications information in the library including full access to the EBSCO Business Source Corporate Plus searchable database of more than 6,000 publications, and future publication databases added to the PMWL;
• All P/PM Blogs and Websites included in the library;
• All professional, educational and public resources in the library;
• All P/PM Marketplace and Major Projects information;
• All Research information and resources in the library, including the searchable EBSCO database of hundreds of academic journals and thousands of published papers.
• All other resources and information in the library, including access to the EBSCO database of company profiles, industry reports and market information.
REGISTER NOW (or check it out via the FREE TRIAL)