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Why your personal information is secure

Welcome to PM World Library Registration 

The PM World Library (PMWL) is a global resource for continuous learning in the field of program and project management (P/PM), including portfolio management.  The PMWL provides the most effective means for staying abreast of changes in the profession, breaking news and general intelligence about the changing conditions affecting projects, programs and project oriented organizations around the world.  Learn about new books, new concepts, new research and other information to advance your career, to help your team be more successful and to strengthen your organization.

Why your personal information is secure

Registration Information

We collect as little information as possible during registration – name, email address and location, and no personal data apart from payment data (see below). We do not sell or disseminate any personal information.

What little data we collect is stored on our secure server and is accessed only by PMWL staff, on a carefully controlled, password-protected basis in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Information provided during payment

Credit card and personal information associated with methods of payment are collected by our payment service providers.  Such information is routinely collected by all payment service providers, all of whom use well-tested security precautions and systems.  PMWL does not collect, maintain or share that information.

PMWL Privacy Policy

The PMWL privacy policy is intended to reassure readers and users that we are committed to protecting their privacy, and to explain what information may be gathered and used with and without their consent.  To read our Privacy Policy, click here.
